Speak with a
Talent Acquisition Associate
Complete a
skill-specific training program
Interview with
our Fortune 500 clients
your career in tech
Speak with a
Talent Acquisition Associate
Complete a
skill-specific training program
Interview with
our Fortune 500 clients
your career in tech
The Trainee Experience
Still have Questions?
Recent tech grads looking to launch their career now!
Tech professional looking to master a new programming language or application
Recent tech grads looking to launch their career now!
Tech professional looking to master a new programming language or application
We are continually seeking candidates who want to take their Tech career to the next level. When you partner with Quintrix, you get exclusive access to jobs with our Fortune 500 clients, tuition-free training program and a lifetime of career growth.
Talk to a career advisor
Complete 10-12 week job-specific training
Get hired at a top employer
We over communicate. It’s part of our culture and we will keep
candidates up to date every step of the process.
We over communicate. It’s part of our culture and we will keep candidates up to date every step of the process.
Our recruiters are consummate professionals and will respect your time and decisions.
We only reach out to candidates for an active job requirement.
We will not ask you for references unless you are being considered for a job.
We will give you feedback the moment we get it from our clients.
Our recruiters are consummate professionals and will respect your time and decisions.
We only reach out to candidates for an active job requirement.
We will not ask you for references unless you are being considered for a job.
We will give you feedback the moment we get it from our clients.
Talk to one of our talent acquisition associates to find the right opportunity for you